from the
Global Forum Amsterdam 2016
Look back or see what took place at the Wharton Global Forum in Amsterdam.
“I would go to a Global Forum anywhere that Wharton held if it fit in my schedule, but I often would organize around it as well.” – Karen Kochevar, WG’90
Wharton Dean Geoff Garrett’s Closing Thoughts
“It left me at the end of the day in the sunshine, with some real optimism about the new economy.”
– Geoffrey Garrett
Dean and Reliance Professor of Management and Private Enterprise, The Wharton School
Organizing Committee Member Kate Gaertner, WG’00, on the Timeliness of Economic Sustainability
“Sustainability…is a very prescient issue—a topic of conversation that we need to have at every level.”
– Kate Gaertner
Penn Wharton Alumni Club Netherlands
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